Construction of a boat pier

If you have a country house or a simple summer cottage, and not far from this, the river flows, then you will definitely want to build a pier. Naturally, this option is possible if you have, at least a small boat. Or you can use the moment and build a coastal cafe, in such a thing, you will also need a pier. In general, it is advisable to provide this work to professionals, as this is a very responsible installation. But there are two types, according to the technology of which, you can install the pier and independently.

First type: pontoon, a feature of this type, is that the whole structure is on the floats. Any hermetic objects, bottles, barrels, etc. can serve as floats. D. It is necessary to make a wooden bridge, attach one side to the shore, and attach hermetic objects to the second. This species is very cheap, but the quality depends on the natural conditions. And besides, it is not possible to install a gazebo on such a pier. Second type: boat pier. This type needs a lot of time and money. But the final result will please you. On it it will be possible to install and finish anything at your discretion. The essence of the building is in such a dumped foundation, wooden or metal pillars are driven into the ground at the bottom of the river.