Eliminate the flow of heating radiator

Sometimes it can happen that the heating radiator can give a small leak between the sections. In order to eliminate such a leak, you will need to perform the following actions:

• the first thing to do is to clean the joint to the metal where the leak appeared. You can do this work using an ordinary construction spatula, if you do not have one, then you can use a metal brush that is designed to remove the old layer of paint. During the implementation of this kind of work, you need to be extremely careful, so as not to aggravate the situation and not flood your neighbors who live under you.

• After that, you will need a linen strip of matter, which must be moistened in an epoxy resin, and then add bronze or aluminum powder there.

• The tape, which you have previously soaked in the resin and powder, will need to be carefully wrapped around the place where the leak appeared.

If you are looking for a reliable convector for heating a summer residence, then you should follow the following link. The site shows an electric heating convector, which you can buy at an inexpensive price.

This method of eliminating leaks is temporary, since after the heating season is over, the place of leaks will need to be closed by welding.