What could be more beautiful than a bathhouse arranged during the next sortie on nature, or at the end of the tedious camping day. And also live drinks for barbecue, life is beautiful! For barbecue it is necessary to make a barbecue manufacture of barbecue is engaged in the company «AS-Project».If you relate yourself to active vacationers, you often visit nature or hiking, then, for sure, you have repeatedly thought about how to arrange a temporary bath, and if you have not yet decided to try to build it, then there are some useful tips for you. So, we are building a temporary bath with our own hands, it’s not difficult. It is necessary to start the construction of a temporary bath with the purchase of a piece of polyethylene, the size of which should be approximately 3 by 5 meters, but not less. After that, you will need to hide the steam room, for this you will need a panel of 1, 5 by 3 meters. You also need to buy a rope that you will need already on the spot, to fasten the parts of your bath case. The rest can be found right where the bathhouse will be broken.

When choosing a place for a bath, pay attention to the presence of a nearby reservoir and a flat site, the size of which should be approximately 2 by 2 meters. If necessary, and for comfort, the selected site must be cleared from branches and thickets. After that, we move on to the construction of the furnace — since the furnace is the main element of the construction of even a temporary bathhouse. For the construction of the stove you will need stones, but from the very beginning on the selected site you need to lay out the foundation for the future furnace, about a meter per meter. It is necessary to find boulders of a rectangular shape, the size of which will be 50 by 40 centimeters. Put the oblong boulders found with an interval of several centimeters on the foundation, then several stone plates should be put on them, leaving a hole in which fire will be divorced. Do not forget to prepare another stove with which you close a hole with diluted fire. A bucket of water is placed on this plate, and proceed to the adoption of water procedures.