Choose a reliable developer

Today, in almost all cities, the construction of structures of the most various destinations is underway: official, residential, shopping and entertainment complexes, etc. D.

A lot of buildings are built on the principle of shared construction. However, there are frequent cases when people who invested their own savings in construction turned out to be without housing and without money, and you will need to call a specialist in order to legally regain their money correctly. And therefore, before becoming a participant in shared construction, it is necessary to carefully determine the choice of the developer. Do not hope for advertising, because it is made with the money of the same developer.

And then what to do? Conventionally, the procedure for choosing a developer can be divided into two stages: 1. Collection of information about the developer is to find out if there are no claims from state bodies to the developer of the lawsuit, and whether he is in a pre -bankrupt state.

This can be found out by visiting the site) and having familiarized yourself with the cardboard closed and consistent cases.- Check if the developer has title documents, as well as the authority of the persons signing these documents.- To evaluate the financial condition for what to get acquainted with the consolidated accounting documentation.- Read reviews about the developer using the Internet resources.2. Analysis of the construction object — to verify documents establishing land rights for future construction (rented or is owned).

Check the construction declaration for compliance with the requirements of the law, as well as establish whether the construction is agreed upon.- Find out by what scheme the implementation of the future object is planned. If all the necessary information cannot be obtained in the public domain, you should contact the construction company directly. “Clean on hand” the developer will always provide all the necessary information, and will not create a “commercial secret” over it.