Choosing a partition for the office.

When arranging different types of partitions in office rooms, you need to know some details. Despite the fact that the use of partitions is the most convenient option compared to the construction of capital walls, to know the minimum of information, it is still necessary.

Before ordering partitions, it is necessary to decide on the company that will make them and make installation. Remember that very cheap is not a synonym for the word good. Когда товар имеет сильно низкую цену, то это должно вызывать, по крайней мере, удивление.

After you have decided on the company, you need to know the exact number of partitions. The most applied option is the number of “cabins”, which corresponds to the number of office workers. In addition to this number, you will need various partitions that organically convert part of the office into a zone for business and organizational issues. Also in the office you need a place for utility rooms (cook coffee, have breakfast, etc. D.).

Having found out the quantity, you will need to deal with the sizes of the partitions. Both in height and in width of the partitions have different sizes. The height of the partitions ranges from 1100 mm to 1970 mm. The width of the partitions varies from 600 mm to 1200 mm.

The best option is this-you invite a representative of the company to the office, at which you opted for the (manufacturer) and tell him in detail, and if you need it, then you draw him a sketch of the future office premises, what you imagine it. In the process, all technical issues are discussed — terms, equipment, cost, etc. D. After approval and Utryaski, a contract is concluded.