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Choose a management company

Today the house management can be transferred to a commercial company. As soon as entrepreneurs have the opportunity to earn money, the number of management companies began to increase rapidly. How to choose a company that can be entrusted to management of your own house?

Any management company commercial real estate has a certain customer base. Ask what houses are already cooperating with this company, do not be too lazy to talk to the residents, find out their opinion about the quality of the services.

If everything suits you, talk with the management of the management company and with specialists. Find out what plan in the company is relative to your home, which ones are going to hold events in the company, due to which utilities will be provided, whether additional expenses are outlined. Thus, some management companies organize energy conservation measures in houses, which may require investments by residents.

The services that the Criminal Code will provide you, stop in more detail. You must clearly imagine what the money is paid for the management company. Moreover, tariffing, for example, maintenance in different houses may differ. Let all tariffs justify you in the Criminal Code: how much money will go directly to work and repair, for example, and what amount will fall into the pocket of the company itself – For services.

An important point is what the Bank of the Criminal Code will accept contributions from residents. Well, if a reliable bank is selected, for example, Sberbank.

And the last moment, which can probably be called the most important. When signing the contract, carefully read the entire text, including footnotes and small font! Alas, not everyone is responsible at the time of conclusion of the transaction and often put signatures, sometimes only fluently viewing the pages. This leads to the fact that insoluble problems appear – After all, they themselves agreed with everything that was written in the document, putting their signature.