Choose a sofa and not make a mistake

Firstly, you need to decide whether the sofa is needed at all. If instead purchase mattresses 160 x 190 in the right amount, it will be cheaper and more practical (perhaps even a couple of crazy designers will like it).

So, let the «path of the mattress» be rejected for some considerations. Then it will be reasonable to find the catalog of the nearest furniture store and study the assortment. Sofas are completely different: straight, corner, island (installed in the middle of the room). What is important, a detailed story about each of the types risks resulting in a narrative that can go beyond this material. We will only say that the back of the island sofa does not have an unsightly back and can be used as a newspaper or something else (depending on the desire of designers).

Before leafing through the catalog, you should draw a more or less detailed plan of the room (with the measurement of some distances) in order to understand exactly where the sofa will stand. It is sometimes more convenient to use the sofa as a starting point when arranging furniture. It is more convenient to solve issues related to color and material directly in the store (large manufacturers usually produce several versions of the same model that differ only in the color scheme). As for the material of the upholstery, there are companies engaged in tightening sofas, ready to perform almost any whim. Probably, they will even paint a sofa under a stack of mattresses if you like compromises.

In the end, I want to remind you of a well -known proverb: «The stingy pays twice». Do not chase cheapness for the sake of cheapness: for a strange coincidence, poor -quality products are cheaper than high -quality, and the sofa should serve for a long time. And yes, in cheap products you can run into substances harmful to health, which is sometimes worse than a new sofa broken in a month. Take care of yourself and good luck!