Berries and mushrooms

Perhaps no other country in the world has such natural wealth as Russia, but at the same time, most of these natural gifts remain unclaimed. And the reason is banal, there is not enough organization of the harvesting of the gifts of nature, and not interest from the state in the development of forestry and other side activities. Unfortunately, in many regions, interest in the forest fund is reduced only to the cutting and harvesting of wood, although there are exceptions to this rule, there are a lot of enterprises at the same time and the harvesting of berries, mushrooms, birch juice, etc. D. These enterprises include CJSC GANYUD.

The prospects for the development of the harvesting of the berries are huge, because such products willingly export to Europe, where there are practically no their forests. In addition to the berries, it is actively developing the harvesting of mushrooms, fish, medicinal plants, all this will invariably find demand, and a multi -year work of the above -mentioned company can serve as confirmation of this.

In addition, the development of such areas of economy as the collection of berries, mushrooms and medicinal plants will give additional earnings in rural areas. After all, now most rural residents do not have permanent and stable sources of income, which affects the standard of living of people. And the use of forest gifts in industry can if you do not change the situation as a whole, then at least give a serious impetus in this direction.