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The right approach to restaurant development: what is important to take care of

The development of a restaurant requires not only constant monitoring of daily activities, but also development planning. It should be based on real objective data and have an accurate calculation. Forecasting in restaurant is offered, taking into account all aspects of the institution’s activities.

Types of forecasting activities

A restaurant is a complex, multifaceted enterprise that requires studying several areas and making forecasts for each. Only then can we draw a general conclusion. Among the parties to the activity where this procedure is carried out, there are:

Determination of sales development based on already available information. Attendance and the number of orders are taken into account, and a forecast is made of how it will increase or decrease based on internal factors of the restaurant’s activity, and external economic and social development.

To study labor costs, taking into account the seasonal factor, the overall wage growth in the country, and determine how much employees will have to pay in order to retain old or attract new ones.

When forecasting activities, future depreciation costs of equipment and buildings, the need for repair or replacement, and how it will affect labor productivity growth are taken into account. The increase in prices for food and utilities is also taken into account.


It is possible to carry out the modern forecasting process accurately and concretely only using the appropriate software. Applications created on the basis of artificial intelligence allow you to take into account all the parameters and make the right forecast.

There are special tools specifically for restaurants, they take into account the specifics of the activities of establishments and give an accurate result. They allow you to increase the efficiency of the catering point by determining the most accurate parameters for analysis, which must be done when planning development.