Wooden ventilated facade

Starting the construction of our home, we first ask the main question. And from what building material, we will actually build.

Now various material for the construction of the walls are presented on the market, but they all have their shortcomings and their advantages. We all want to have a beautiful, warm and, of course, durable house. — Wooden walls, very beautiful and environmentally friendly material, but the possibility of fire is frightened by many potential customers;- ceramic brick, racks to moisture, but has a lack – low thermal insulation qualities; By the way, before carrying out repairs with your own hands, consult a specialist. Also, when buying a ventilated facade, you should consult with a specialist.

Silicate brick, destroyed by moisture; — aerated concrete blocks must breathe, otherwise they become a source of damp. Require a ventilated facade, plaster options completely disappear; — foam concrete blocks, very poor heat -insulating qualities, requires additional insulation. As we see a lot of building materials, but each of them has its own shortcomings. All this can be easily fixed, the recipe is simple – Install a ventilated wooden facade for the house. Such a facade will give a special beauty to the building, insulate it, and at the same time gives us the opportunity to choose any exactly the material for the construction of the walls of the house.