A house from a profiled timber

Sound houses have their own advantages and their own disadvantages — they are available, practical, installation of such houses is performed quickly, they perfectly store heat and have a beautiful view. Sound houses perfectly store heat, that is why the profiled beam is perfect for a warm house. In the winter, the profiled beam is elementarily heated, and in the summer in such buildings it is cool!

Houses from a dried (profiled) beam are installed much faster than at home from a log of a rounded, but at the same time, for very high -quality assembly and in order to prevent the cracks between the crowns, corner saturations (cups) are already stabbed, already specifically, when installing a wood construct on the facility.

Profile beam

Nowadays, many companies are engaged in the installation of houses from a profiled beam, both from Sickle (Carpathian spruce) and pine. Produce a beam with a length of 4.5 m and 6 m. The thickness of 200 mm, 220 mm and a borus of a bar of 170 mm and 200 mm. The profile is planned that the humidity does not fall into the intervention material for insulation (natural flax), and the walls of the house were not blown. The dried profiled beam, though not so, when compared with the galbed log, but also provides a large shrinkage. Turnkey house from profiled timber is a wonderful choice.

A number of advantages that have timber houses:

Houses from a profiled bar have a beautiful outer look;

In buildings from a profiled bar, the number of cracks is much smaller, the shrinkage of such a house is not large and passes quickly than in buildings from a log of a rounded;

The installation of a wood construct is much faster than houses from a log of a gallended.