Granite crushed stone and its fractions

Granite crushed stone is obtained by crushing and sifting of a natural granite breed, which is one of the firm in the world. Granite is a strong rock, which is difficult to mechanical processing. The granite breed is mined in special quarries and destroyed by explosion, after which the resulting stone blocks are crushed to a state of crushed stone in a special crushing equipment. In the future, by sifting, granite crushed stone is divided into several different fractions.

Granite gravel is used in the construction of roads for various purposes, as a filler in a concrete mix, for decorative decoration, in the construction of foundations and other reinforced concrete structures. Crushed stone, depending on the size of the stones, is divided into separate fractions. The smallest fraction contains stones up to 5 millimeters in size and is used for decorative cladding, as well as for pouring tracks. The next faction with stones of 5 to 20 millimeters is used in the production of concrete and for the construction of buildings foundations, as well as in road construction. The average fraction contains stones from 2 to 4 centimeters and is used in the production of concrete. A large fraction with stones from 4 to 7 centimeters is also used in road construction, as well as in the production of concrete and ZhBK. The stones of more than 70 millimeters are called a boot and is used for decorative purposes. For loading crushed stone, special equipment excavators is used without which no construction company is complete.

Granite crushed stone as building material has high strength and frost resistance, in addition, it is environmentally friendly, since it practically does not contain harmful substances. The final cost of granite crushed stone directly depends on the faction.