How the skirting board is installed

The last step in working on flooring or walls is usually the fastening of skirting boards.

Different skirting boards are attached in different ways. The best choice for most interiors will be a plastic skirting board with a cable channel.

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You need to choose a plastic skirting board in accordance with the color of the remaining elements of the situation. Before buying, measure the perimeter of the room and correlate with the required amount of material.

Installation should start with markings. To do this, the baseboard is applied to the place, and marks are made at the site of future holes. After that, respectively, the holes are drilled into which you need to drive the dowel.

Next, you can start mounting. To do this, the baseboard is applied to the prepared area, and in the place of the hole on the wall is pierced by an awl. Self -tapping screws are also inserted there, which are neatly screwed into dowels. Before the last self -tapping screw is twisted, at the end of the baseboard you need to put on the connector. With it, the next segment joins it.

Cable channel-the necessary element of modern skirting boards. The wire in it can be laid both before the start of the mount, and after. In any case, you need to do this carefully so as not to damage the cable.