The roof of my house

Even small children, when they play a house, know that each house has walls, floor and roof. Modern construction technologies did not abolish these components of the house. Perhaps during the construction of the house, these elements are given the most attention, because the quality of the house begins with them.

The roof is the upper part of any building, and performs the supporting, heat — and waterproofing functions. Among the special requirements that are put forward by any modern roof, it is worth noting its reliability, aesthetics and durability. So that it corresponds to them, during the construction the latest technologies and materials are used. The cost of the construction of a high -quality roof of the house should be in the balance between operating conditions and the terms of use.

The roof can have different forms that in turn can vary in modifications. At the same time, different elements are used that serve to increase the functionality of the roof, its design, as well as improve the ventilation of the room and its lighting. The roof is the element of the house that needs increased attention. She will protect the house from precipitation, cold, winds, etc. D. providing all residents with comfort and comfort.