Matrix mosaic

The mosaic is attractive

— beauty,

— the strength of the surface withstanding the effects of various detergents,

— universality of use in any room,

— Durability.

The laborious process of laying mosaic elements requires serious financial injections. Which stopped until recently customers. But technology does not stand still and come to the aid of an ordinary layman who wants to decorate his apartments with a luxurious execution of mosaic paintings.

Manufacturers offer paintings from the mosaic of matrix assembly. The main advantages of such a mosaic are:

Accessibility in price,

The speed of work,

the ability to lay out large areas,

performing paintings of any complexity,

ease available to the non -professional.

At its core, matrix assembly – This is a mosaic of the same template fragments located in a clear sequence, remotely resembling the principle of digital photography. The picture is posted manually according to the given scheme. Fragments can be of different sizes (from 10 to 20 mm): the smaller, the more precisely the image is obtained.

According to the technology of laying mosaics, several types are distinguished:


At the manufacturer, all mosaic elements are glued to the mesh base and are sold in this form. The matrix with the mosaic gained is fixed on a perfectly flat surface treated with glue. The mesh base is easily removed with a damp sponge.


The drawing using computer development is printed. Each color is assigned a number, each sheet of transplanted paper – column number and line in the overall figure. Fragments are laid according to the designated colors in the overall drawing.


In the computer version, a sketch is created, with a grid on top of the picture. Cell of the grid – A sheet with a number. The panel is laid out by the master-artist manually according to the instructions, is attached to the basis and goes in this form to the customer for independent installation.