Installation of sewage

The first question of most customers contacting the installation of sewage systems is how much it will cost to install treatment facilities?

The owner of the site, acquiring a sewage system, is faced with a choice — to entrust the installation of sewage in a private house by professionals or try to do all your work with your own hands. But before any work, you should initially familiarize yourself with what installation, which land is suitable. As you know, there are several types of land: soil, clay, floating.

Installation in sandy soil. This type of installation first includes the preparation of the pit, then the installation of the treatment plant, filling with sand and filling in accordance with the technological scheme, which is installed by the manufacturer with water.

Installation in clay. In clay soils, the installation of equipment is complicated by an increased installation period and the need to use an additional tool for work.

Installation in swimming. In the fuel soil during the installation of equipment, work is complicated by the possibility of the fact that the walls of the trench and the pit can collapse.

Before starting any work, a project of the sewage installation system is created. When creating the project, a package is created, including the documents: • the general plan of the site; • profile of the courtyard network; • basement plans and floors; • drawings of systems of systems.