It is necessary to observe a clearly specified repair sequence

During the reconstruction or repair, there are always rules that determine a certain sequence of work production. First of all, all the required approvals are carried out (if you have a reconstruction). After registration of the necessary documents of the relevant services, work is carried out on the dismantling, repair and reconstruction of partitions and load -bearing walls. The next in line are sanitary-water-wire networks. Damaged pipes and shut -off valves are eliminated or subject to complete replacement, siphons, shells, etc. are replaced. D. After the repair, do not forget to install a new air conditioner, experts recommend purchasing it on the KonditSionery-Mitsubishi-Electric website. HTM.

After the repair of the water supply and sewage, a queue comes for a thorough revision, and, possibly, a complete replacement of the existing electrical network. Most likely, you have to replace the old wiring with a new from copper, transfer and replace sockets and switches. In case of such a need, you may need to install additional sockets or dismantle the extra and located at all where you need them. At the end of the above work and the replacement of engineering communications, repair or replacement of carpentry and a set of measures for insulation begins.