Independent construction and technical examination

Due to the fact that more and more people have been moving to large cities in recent years, the demand for housing is constantly growing. The number of houses in such cities is also steadily increasing. Of course, there is nothing wrong with this, but sometimes unscrupulous construction firms, wanting to get as high profit as possible, hand over low -quality buildings into operation. But there is a solution to this problem, and it is called an independent construction examination. Firstly, it is already difficult to get a building permit already. Accordingly, it could be assumed that if the company owns permits, then it is very responsible for its own activity. In fact, everything can be quite the opposite, because today there are a lot of finances in such issues.

The main directions of checking the construction and technical expertise are the foundation (whether it meets the construction standards in relation to the thickness), the quality of all supporting structures (whether low-quality building materials were used, which may lead to the formation of cracks), the overlap (whether their thickness corresponds to those loads that are consistent They will have to have to have it). After that, an assessment of the quality of internal work is evaluated, checking water supply and sewage systems. And only when all these actions are committed, can an act on the adoption of this house be concluded.