Windows for the bathhouse, what to choose

PVC windows (plastic windows) or from wood wood . What to choose? In the process of building a bath, as a rule, a question arises related to windows for the bathhouse. Previously, the most common option was wooden window frames. It is known that wood is the most environmentally friendly and “breathing” material. However, along with obvious «pluses», the tree still has its own «cons». It is known that wooden frames from excess moisture can swell, and from excessive heat — to dry out.

Due to such metamorphoses, wooden window frames quickly lose their attractive appearance, and they have to hang the paint on them every summer season. In addition, over time, wooden frames begin to open poorly and close, gaps appear through which the bath leaves the heat. And this means that the costs of heating the premises are increasing, signs of decay and mold appear, as well as traces of pests.

In order to avoid all this, many today began to install windows in the bathhouse — PVC or plastic windows. Europlast offers cocked plastic windows. As practices shows, plastic windows are absolutely suitable for the bathhouse, they are more practical compared to wooden window frames. A standard double -glazed window of two chamber is great for the bath (these are three glasses). Plastic windows behave perfectly in the bathhouse, they are completely safe during operation. In contact with high humidity and hot steam, the double -glazed window does not fog, and the frame does not deform. At high temperatures, harmful substances are not released.

In addition, the plastic “transfers” high temperature and high humidity much better than the tree, heat does not leave, thanks to increased thermal insulation properties, as well as the tightness of the PVC focus.