Staining walls

I immediately want to note that, despite the large selection of finishing materials, the staining of the walls remains in the traditional way. It is interesting that, despite its popularity, many prefer to trust this work to professionals. Of course, no one will argue with the fact that this is basically enough «filthy» process, while the master will perform this work much faster and better. As for the consumables that are necessary for wall decoration in this way, here it is worth paying attention to the primer, putty, sandpaper, and t. D.

First of all, before starting work, you need to shoot all the switches of the outlet and t. p. up to the removal of the chandelier. In this case, you must first take care of the light. When staining walls, it is recommended to use the desired working tool, namely a roller, brush or spray. In addition, do not forget that the working tool must be chosen, first of all, starting from the type of stained surface, without forgetting to take into account the type of paintwork. To find out which one, to use the tool, in one case or another, you can find out from the information that is located on the LCM package.