Raping the basement

At the moment, the arrangement of the basements is very popular. And not just arrangement, but their adaptation for permanent residence. Typically, the basements are raw and dirty places with bare concrete walls and a crooked concrete floor, and when with the absence of any gender. Therefore, when arranging the basement, very often one of the priority tasks is the pouring of the floor.

Before filling the floor, you need to prepare a bridgehead for work, namely, to remove all the garbage and unnecessary objects from the basement, as well as leve soil if there is such a need. After that, a pillow of pillow of crushed sand or gravel is required. Next, it is necessary to set the level using long and even metal pipes or bars. Well, after all this, it will already be possible to pour concrete, starting from the farthest corner, gradually aligning the floor level of the installed lighthouses. Before starting the repair, you should visit the site

The next task of transforming the basement is wall decoration. To do this, it is most advisable to plastered them using a cement-sand mixture. At the same time, not forgetting to use the reinforcing mesh, which will make the plastering coating much stronger.

With the ceiling decoration, things are almost easier, not easier. If this is a ceiling from reinforced concrete floors, then it is best to hide it, and if this wooden ceiling is better to use drywall.

After the end of the initial finish, it is worth starting to carry out all the necessary communications to the basement. Of course, the prerequisites for this should be created ahead of time. For example, the felting hole should be equipped in advance exactly as the supply of electricity, sewage or water supply to the basement. Although sewage and water supply may not be needed in the basement, but as for ventilation and light it is communication without which life in this place is simply impossible.