Complete thermal insulation of the dwelling for the benefit of comfort

The problem of thermal insulation for many owners of dwellings becomes relevant only when it is too late to engage in its decision, t. e. With the onset of cold weather. Better take care of warming in advance. But how to make your own home truly warm? Today there are the most serious opportunities for this.

Thermal insulation work should be carried out on all fronts. And the first direction in this case is the windows. They should not have any cracks. If these elements are made of wood, it is better to replace them with plastic. When this is not possible, all the cracks are either put up, they are only filled with mounting foam.

In apartments, you must definitely insulate the balcony. For this, simple foam is used. They should cover all surfaces in order to certainly cut off the heat of all exits from the room. If the balcony is open, it is recommended to turn it into a loggia — glaze. Making this is currently not so expensive.

Next, you need to contact the front door. Untrusting if necessary. You can also put thermal insulation material under it. And only after that you can proceed to the insulation of the walls. Here the front of work can be just huge. A lot of insulation and physical strength will be required.