We repair the apartment on our own

Usually, in order to make the sound insulation of the apartment, you have to use the useful area of ​​the room, but in return, it will protect you from noise from neighboring apartments and from the street. Sound insulation can also perform the function of thermal insulation. Before sorting out sound insulation technologies, you need to figure out what noise is, since it is they who can play a big role in choosing materials.

Household noise is divided into air and structural. Airy noises penetrate the apartment through open windows, doors, ventilation. Structural ones are transmitted through floors, walls and partitions. A person is able to hear sounds from ten decibels. For a dwelling, the norm of noise level in the daytime is no more than forty decibels, and at night up to thirty. Due to the fact that the volume of the voice is just 30-40 decibels, such conditions are not fulfilled. It is advisable to do the sound insulation of the apartment completely, that is, you need to isolate everything, walls, ceilings and floors. In order to reduce the noise level as much as possible, a soundproof layer of mineral wool should be about ten centimeters. This layer significantly reduces the area of ​​housing, but will help you protect yourself from noisy neighbors. The most common way of sound insulation is the drywall structure in which the mineral wool is laid.