Repair of plastic windows

Any window will fail if you do not follow it and violate the operating rules. The plastic structure is characterized by increased strength, wear resistance, resistance to moisture and aggressive media, rigidity. At the same time, with the incorrect control of the plastic window and it may break.

If you want VEKA plastic windows to serve for many years and work properly, follow the following instructions. When cleaning the surface, only detergents that do not have abrasive additives can be used. It is necessary to open and close the window without the use of physical strength, neatly. Try to warn any mechanical deformation of the structure and slamming the window with strong gusts of wind.

With proper operation, you will get a warm, clean, aesthetically attractive plastic window that will give the interior an attractive look.

What is the feature of the repair of the PVC window? In most cases, there are enough adjustment of loops, replacement of accessories, cosmetic cleaning or installation of additional components. Today, you can choose the Trocal profile the first time, but with fittings everything is much more complicated. If too weak elements are installed, then soon you will have to call the master-repairman. To avoid such consequences, make sure that the loops and locks will withstand the weight of the frame. The larger the sash of the plastic window, the more powerful there should be the accessories that are installed on it. Talk to the company’s specialists, they should advise the right option.

Often, repairing a window from a polyvinyl chloride profile consists in restoration of the sash surface. For example, if the child has scratched the profile during the game, you touched it with a sharp object. In the construction market you can find special compositions that will hide defects and make them inconspicuous.

Specialists who repair plastic windows do not recommend doing work on their own. At first glance, actions seem elementary, but you can’t do without special knowledge.