Repair of the premises before the birth of the baby

Of course, a couple of weeks before the alleged births, overhaul should not be started, but the cosmetic repairs, or general cleaning will not interfere. Some individual details in your apartment should pay special attention. By the way, if you are interested in the calculation of maternity leave, you can look at the site about individual entrepreneurship, where this is written in detail. So, and we conduct an inspection, and you can start with pipes. Rather, with their problems, if you have problems with pipes in your apartment or house, then they need to be eliminated before the birth of a child, it is unlikely that your little child will be delighted with the noise of a grinder or perforator.

Pay attention to ventilation, which should be good, especially if your neighbors are smokers.

Check all the window frames, and the windows — the drafts in the house where the baby will settle — should not be. Noise insulation depends on the window frames, which is an important point for a calm sleep. It is worth remembering, and that your baby will grow and experience for strength everything that will fall under his arm. Therefore, installation of double -glazed windows profile, which has a difficult opening of BET, an excellent idea.

Now wallpaper. Think and answer the question, but it makes sense to re -cross them? Six months later, or even earlier, you will appear in your house, a fan of drawing.

Turning to the bathrooms and taps, you will think more about the calmness of a young mother, since nothing in the house should irritate her. After the baby appears to repair cranes, it is unlikely that the parents will be completely busy with their treasure. Therefore, the normal functioning of plumbing and cranes should be added to the list of mandatory cases.

Doors, boxes and chests of drawers so that your baby does not pinch its fingers, buy special latches that prevent the opening and closing of the box, or the doors completely. Or get special locks.