How can you update the ceiling

Previously, the white, even and plain ceiling was a recognized standard and in every house it was just that. At the moment, modern developments and technologies allow you to choose any, the most unexpected and not standard options for designing ceilings. First of all, you should purchase building materials of the Besto, and then start the repair of the apartment.

Today, everyone can choose the “taste” of the ceiling. Someone likes a flat and smooth ceiling made in one color, someone is attracted by foam plates glued to the ceiling. But in new buildings they prefer ceramic granite, so construction companies buy ceramic granite in bulk. Some of the owners of the apartments like white ceilings decorated with stucco molding or her imitation. However, this is a fairly long process, and besides, an expensive. The cost of such work will depend on the material from which stucco molding is performed. It is also possible to decorate the ceiling with artistic painting, but this type of decor is also not cheap.

The technology of photo printing and stencil painting is increasingly widely distributed and applied. To apply patterns to the ceiling, first of all, the ceiling, you need to leve and polish. The ceiling should become perfectly smooth and even. Then you need to paint the ceiling surface in a common color, called the background. After painting, the bought or independently made stencils are taken, through which the paint is neatly and carefully applied to the ceiling. It is necessary to monitor the consistency of the paint so that it is not too liquid.

Stretch ceilings with photo printing or painting also provide ample opportunities for updating the ceiling.

It is with the help of the ceiling that you can radically change the appearance of the room. It is quite thought out and with the fantasy to approach its design.