Types of roller wallpaper and chemistry for pools

Playing the walls of wallpaper originates from the time of ancient castles. The manufacturing technologies are changing and the chemical composition of wallpaper and adhesives is packed, but this type of decoration of premises today occupies one of the leading places for both housewives and professional designers. By type of performance, rolled wallpaper is divided into paper, vinyl, textile and non -woven. Paper wallpapers are the cheapest in price. They are produced by different thicknesses and are in texture — smooth and embossed.

Vinyl wallpaper based on paper and non -woven, on which foamed or smooth polyvinyl chloride are applied more popular. The applied moisture -proof coating makes such wallpaper detergents. They are more resistant to fading and yellowing over time of use. The non -woven wallpaper is based on non -woven material on which dyes or elements of polyvinyl chloride are applied. These wallpaper are thin and require good preparation of the surface before gluing. Textile wallpaper is made on paper and non -woven basis using cotton, linen, viscose or other textiles. They require more careful care and operation, but beautiful and original in their kind.

About the author

I was born on July 24, 1975 in a small mining town located in the Kemerovo region. In a turning point in 1992 he graduated from a school with a silver medal and decided not only to enter a higher educational institution, but to radically change his life. To embody the ambitious plans, I had to attach

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