Water heating in a private house

The harsh winter, which, as a rule, comes “imperceptibly”, makes each of us think about the need to warm our own home. If you are a happy owner of a city apartment, in which there is already centralized heating, then with the onset of the harsh winter you can shift care to the shoulders of existing communal companies, but the residents of private residential buildings will have to solve these problems on their own. It is worth noting that at present there are a huge number of heating options for their private housing. But most often, from this variety, the owners of private houses prefer to choose water heating, considering this traditional version the most practical. You can calculate the heat exchanger online for heating on . This is necessary for the optimal selection of components. The principle of water heating is quite simple, and the design of the system is a ring closed system, which consists of the main heating boiler, pipes stretched throughout the house and radiators installed in each room and room.

The boiler heats the coolant, in our case, ordinary water or a special solution created on the basis of glycol, which enters the radiators, can act in this quality. Pipes and batteries heat up, giving heat to the airspace of the room, after which the room itself heats up. The cooling coolant back on the pipes returns to the boiler, where it heats up again and the cycle is repeated again.