Water warm floor

Absolutely all systems of warm floors are divided into several classes, depending on what exactly the energy source is used – either water or electric heating. In terms of what kind of warm floor is best, you should understand if you know the small tricks of such sexes.

Water warm floor – This is a system of pipes that connects to the riser through which hot water is driven off, heated with a steam boiler. Often, such heating systems are used in private houses, since they are the most safe and economical, interact with any coating, which gives them another plus to use. However, they also have their disadvantages: they are quite problematic to set, adjusting the temperature there is almost ineffective.

An electric warm floor implies a system of electric wires, which is heated due to the fact that electricity is converted into thermal. Such floors are best used in apartment buildings, since they are economical, allow you to set the necessary temperature, and besides this, they can last a long time with proper care and operation.