Liquid nails

Liquid nails – This is a building glue that is made on the basis of polymers and rubber. Such nails are used to fasten building materials among themselves. Sell ​​such nails in the form of cartridges. Glue has a high gluing ability, and one drop of such glue can fix the plate on the ceiling to50 kilograms. All glued compounds with such glue will have high strength. These nails have a great advantage, the materials do not rust, and can glue both porous surfaces and rough. Also, absolutely any, whether wood or ceramics, as well as concrete and glass are glued.

To choose the desired glue, you should pay attention to the label of the glue itself, the instruction is given there. The most environmentally friendly include water-dispersion liquid nails, because they are made on water-based. But they cannot be used at low temperatures, as well as such nails will not glue the metal. In this case, it is best to use nails on organic solvents, which can easily withstand both minus temperatures and plus. Also, when choosing, it is necessary to pay attention to the clutch time, which usually passes in half an hour, and can reach the day.