Liquid wallpaper and their properties

In modern times, no one will surprise anyone with wallpaper in rolls. However, liquid wallpaper attracts the interest of customers. We will figure out what liquid wallpaper is. They look like a dry powder, which has a special composition, or already a finished solution. To dissolve such wallpaper, you just need water-based paint. After you diluted the wallpaper, then you should take a roller and apply them to the wall, as if you paint it.

All the convenience is that this type of wallpaper has no seams, and it will not be necessary to measure and cut the strips, and then carefully adjust. However, there are also minuses of this type. Liquid wallpaper should be applied to the walls that were perfectly leveled and do not have scratches and hollows. In this case, liquid wallpaper does not compete with thick vinyl wallpaper. However, liquid wallpapers have several properties:

— Great heat — and sound insulation;

— Since the wallpaper is porous, they provide «breath» walls;

— Liquid wallpaper has an antistatic property that is good for human health. This is due to the fact that this type of wallpaper has only a natural composition.

— Also, such wallpaper is used in rooms where increased moisture. Liquid wallpaper just needs to be varnished.

— Still liquid wallpaper does not fade, which is excellent for any consumer.