Decorator of the walls of the living room

This idea has advised the designers from Goland and Berlin, they made an offer to decorate the walls of our living rooms, children and the bedrooms not ordinary to the substitute for the wallpaper, but just going from the reverse to creatively change the wallpaper that are already on the walls, simply adding to them a new, spontaneous spontaneous , extraordinary, but at the same time unusually fashionable.

To repeat the proposed idea and make such wallpapers with your own hands in your apartment, you will need self -adhesive paper, one of which is covered with plastic polyethylene removed if you need a film. From it you can quite cut absolutely any pattern that you like, which you stick on top of the wallpaper, turning them into the components of an unusual, as if mosaic hanging in the air.

Or here’s another look, seizing the wall with patterns, you allow your own child to portray everything that he wants to. Then you remove the film, highlighting the pasted pattern due to paper inflated with paint, and get a real work of art, which will recall you about what your baby once has been.

Well, and also, this thought is also different in that you can quite use paper of various colors, forming simply unthinkable compositions from it, beautiful photographs of which we will place on the pages of our site.