Decorated glass stairs

Metal and wooden stairs are replaced by new glass stairs, which are made using innovative technology to create triplexes. Triplex – These are complex structures of several glasses, alternately interconnected using a polymer high -quality coating. Thanks to the polymer film, the triplex acquires additional strength, and the film does not allow small fragments to fly apart.

Decorated triplexes are quite popular today. In the process of manufacturing, a polymer film is laid between the intermediate layers of the triplex glasses, on which the pattern is applied. Thus, the impression of the pattern inside the glass is created. The drawing can be common to all triplexes of the staircase, and various parts of one whole «Puzzle» stairs. Decorative stairs are very convenient to install in buildings built in a particular design style, performing stairs decor in the same style as the building. Decorated stairs do not differ at all their qualities from an ordinary glass staircase, and are able to withstand the largest loads. However, for complete safety, in the stairwell it is necessary to use metal elements.