Hello!! My name is Jeanine

I love to eat, travel, and eat some more! I am married to the man of my dreams and have a beautiful little girl whose smiles can brighten anyone’s day!

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Swing for a summer residence, assembly of the seat (benches)

Assembling a bench for a swing for a cottage is not a complicated activity and with a competent approach is performed quickly and efficiently. In order to collect the seat of the swing for a summer residence, first of all, it is necessary to lean the back board to the crossbow at the right angle, make the mark with a pencil, and then cut it out. Then drill the nests for inserted spikes in the transverse drawing and transfer them to the lower part of the board using a marker.

After that, it is required to install, using steel screws, transverse aluminum pipes between previously installed rafters. The next action will be the pace of fabric for a canopy with a sewn fastener on Velcro in aluminum pipes. Corners serving for the support of the swing are also three -layer. You need to glue each of these boards, and then cut it down the template.

Then you need to glue three corners of the straps for the planks and accurately file all the boards using the cutter. Blind each bar of the seat alternately with two steel screws to the corners. Now two strong and reliable hooks come in handy for us. With their help, it is necessary to hang the finished seat for the swing to the upper crossbar. The final action will be fixed the lower end of the suspension.