Hello!! My name is Jeanine

I love to eat, travel, and eat some more! I am married to the man of my dreams and have a beautiful little girl whose smiles can brighten anyone’s day!

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We change the project during construction

Before the procedure for possible changes in the project of the house under construction, it is necessary to consult in advance with specialists or designers whose work the developer wants to build a building. It must be remembered that any project issued at the architects bureau have copyright protection, that is, any change or transfer of the plan for refinement to another bureau should only be taken with the permission of the author.

Accordingly, if the developer, at his own peril and risk, decided to change some elements of the building, using other specialists for this, he will not only not be seized by possible damage, but can also file a complaint about the transfer of materials to third parties. Although in the project of any house there are some elements that can be changed without the permission of the author or architect. Such deviations can be – change in the decoration of the facade, modification of the column of the veranda, etc. D. But in November, it is impossible to independently decide on the addition or removal of the window or completion of the basement, which did not exist in the project. In order not to fall into the difficult intricacies of the legislation that protects the rights of the author, it is necessary to discuss all aspects with the architect or designer in advance.