Natural tiles Features and advantages

Natural tiles are a common small -sized artificial material for a roof with a small coefficient of temperature expansion, with a pair of vertical or with a pair of horizontal and a pair of vertical locks. They are needed in order to provide reliable protection against cracks on this material. Since the tiles are attached to the crate, with only one edge, the roof can freely and easily move in individual components. Thanks to this design feature, the roof will not be able to collapse from the effects of deformation, which can come from wind pressure from the settlement of the building and from other factors. Natural tiles, very resistant to fire, can serve for a long time, it has an attractive and beautiful appearance. By the way, now before starting the roof repair, experts recommend visiting the site, and read more about tiles there.

It is very easy to care for the roof of tiles, because it does not need to be repaired and tinted after a certain time. Such material is very easily installed and if you need to do this, literally any person will solve such a problem. Ceramic tiles are made of clay mass in the processes of formation, firing clay and drying. In such a tile, the main raw material is the old secondary strip clay, they contain a very high indicator of iron oxides.