On guard of our houses

Our doors open to us the most important and important space in our lives – Our house. It is at the door that the history of our home begins.

Based on the materials used in the manufacture of doors, several groups are distinguished – plastic, metal doors, wooden and aluminum doors. Today, more preference is given to metal doors — it is convenient, spectacular, and most importantly reliable.

The modern decoration of metal doors hides the main material, so it can be given the appearance of both a plastic door and wooden. In most cases, plastic decoration of metal doors is used, for which plastic panels are used, as well as special powder paints. This method allows you to give the door a certain style, luxurious appearance, and due to the powder coating, their durability and practicality will be ensured.

The need to purchase and install the entrance doors made of wood is now quite rare. This fact is due to the fact that such doors do not provide proper reliability, while metal doors that can be purchased by clicking on the link – This is safety and durability. However, they are often not inferior at the cost «durable metal».

It is optimal to install wooden entrance doors in those places where an additional security system is provided, for example, in the offices of prestigious companies, expensive country houses, «serious» public institutions. In such cases, doors from an array of oak, which, incidentally, are much more expensive than metal doors are popular. Still valuable natural material.

Installation of aluminum entrance doors occurs in storage rooms, garages and so on. Plastic doors, although such a species exists, are not installed as input, they mainly play the role of internal finishing material.