Cleaning water for drinking in country houses

The construction of cottages is currently very popular, and therefore high -quality water purification system is very important. A country house is obliged to possess all objects: shower and bathroom, washing machine, toilet and, of course, sewer. More recently, the sale of toilet rooms has begun, which you can buy on the site — without leaving home. In its composition and quality, the water that enters the cottage should be no worse than the city. Urban water comes to us after industrial water treatment and water treatment. And it usually comes to the cottage from various natural sources. Such water can be completely unsuitable for direct use, because you can become infected with any infections.

Water pollution is chemical, bacterial and mechanical. To combat bacteria, a running “ultraviolet” lamp is often used quite often. With its help, you can kill most bacteria. If water with mechanical pollution, then filters of various «subtleties» will fully cope. To remove chemical pollution, a completely different solution is required. «Oxygen» cleaning system, well eliminates iron oxides. Insoluble oxide falls into a precipitate, which can be eliminated by activated coal.

About the author

I was born on July 24, 1975 in a small mining town located in the Kemerovo region. In a turning point in 1992 he graduated from a school with a silver medal and decided not only to enter a higher educational institution, but to radically change his life. To embody the ambitious plans, I had to attach

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