Doors installation errors

Nobody is safe from errors, so it is important to remember that even the invited master can allow some shortcomings when installing doors. Below we will talk about the nuances and rules that belong to different types of doors.

The door leading through the stairs to the basement or garage should be equipped with a one and a half meters. This will help prevent random falling from the stairs, which happens if a person forgets or does not know about the existence of steps.

The door installed in a small room should open out. If it opens inside, this indicates a non -compliance with building codes and in some cases prevents attempts to enter the premises. In small living rooms, it is not recommended to install the door back to the wall. Leave even half a meter from the corner – And here you can put a small bookcase or shelf.

The designs opening towards each other requires special attention. In this case, between the door leafs there should be a distance that will not allow the doors to block each other, cling to handles and so on.

Kitchen – a special room, the entrance to which should be open constantly. Therefore, experts advise not to put anything directly behind the door – refrigerator, cabinets with extended boxes in this case will only interfere with kitchen classes.

Remember that consultation of professionals is never superfluous, so do not be afraid to contact them if there is a need to install or replace the doors.