Features of gasification in private houses

The process of gasification in country houses begins with the preparation of TU for the design. This will require the receipt of a technical passport from the BT, a certificate from the tax inspectorate, personal data of the customer. It usually takes 2-4 weeks to create technical conditions (TU), this task is usually recovered for implementation to design institutions. In order to be confident in the correctness of the task, the project institute is better to ask in advance the presence of a license for the implementation of this type of work. But the cost of work can be very different. In each case, a mandatory departure of a specialist will require the installation site of the heating system with a gas boiler. The same specialist is obliged to recommend the brand of the boiler, which is as suitable for existing conditions. Within 2 weeks, the compiled project must be agreed with Gorgaz.

Next, you should be puzzled by the search for an installation company and sign an agreement with them to perform work. It is this company that will be responsible for the correct installation. After the work, they are submitted for verification for a month to the gas service. The finished project is approved that the purchased and installed gas equipment is being checked. Specialists come to fill the meter and a gas supply agreement is signed to this house. Naturally, in parallel, the pipe is inserted into the overall gas pipeline system. Before starting operation, the customer must undergo safety instruction.

The advantages of gas heating are that it is modern, low -cost, does not form harmful substances as products of combustion, makes it possible to use it for other purposes in parallel (for example, in the kitchen for cooking).