Features of the use of brick

One of the most commonly used in the process of construction work of materials is a brick. It is used mainly to arrange supporting external walls. Internal partitions are being built from other materials, the weight of which is much smaller, as well as strength.

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The main plus of brick is that it is incredibly durable. Therefore, it can be built from it for a huge time. But at the same time, the brick holds heat too well, which cannot be considered as an advantage. To make brick walls is better, they have to be made thick.

But the effects of fungus, mold and microorganisms are not terrible brick. And this favorably distinguishes this material from wood. If you compare a brick with foam blocks, it will need to be noted that they are much stronger. Therefore, from it you can build a design much greater height and reliability.

It is only necessary to choose exactly the type of brick, which in this case would be the most appropriate. It is definitely not worth saving. Ceramic bricks are used for the construction of houses, which can be both whole and hollow depending on a specific construction task.