Extend the life of your concrete

Today, concrete is one of the most common building materials. Practically, not a single structure is complete without this ubiquitous material. Even if concrete is not present in the construction itself, for example, a house made of metal frames, the foundation, how concrete was right.

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In addition to residential buildings, concrete is used in the construction of fences, pools, pillars, etc. D.

But this material has one insignificant drawback. Excessive humidity, gradually destroys concrete. This process is difficult to trace, but over time, first on the surface, and then in the middle of the block, cracks occur. Especially from the excess moisture, they suffer houses located in regions with harsh winters. In severe frosts, water particles expand and accelerate the process of destruction of concrete. But this is not all, excess moisture, stimulates the development of harmful microorganisms, such as mold, harmful fungi, the disputes of which are pathogens of respiratory tract diseases. How to deal with it? Just provide concrete with good waterproofing.

There are two concrete waterproofing options:

Use special waterproofing concrete. Although it will cost much more than ordinary, but, over time, the costs will pay off a long term of operation and the absence of other negative consequences.

If such concrete is not affordable for you, use waterproofing plaster. Efficiency is much lower, but still, you will feel the difference.