Doors opening procedure

There are situations when it is necessary to open the castle with professional help. This, of course, is not about criminal elements, but about specialized companies that operate at the request of tenants. However, when turning for help to these services, remember that you should have a document certifying the copyright of the premises. This may be a registration passport, an identity document, coupled with a certificate of ownership, lease agreement or a court decision. If there are no these documents, you can’t do without a precinct. Only with these documents can the company open doors in your apartment.

Remember also that there are several ways to get into the apartment. One of the options includes hacking the lock, the other — removing doors from the hinges, but the arreas is the entrance to the apartment through the window using industrial climbers.

If it is necessary to open the castle in the office, then the applicant, in addition to the statement, must submit to the lease agreement specialists, the power of attorney from the general director or certificate of the head of the company, a copy of the registration certificate and an identity document.

Part 3 to become 3 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation provides for penetration into the apartment without the consent of the residents in some cases. The reason can be the salvation of people’s lives and (or) property, ensuring personal or public safety, emergency situations, natural disasters and other emergency situations, as well as detaining suspects of illegal actions, suppressing crimes, as well as establishing circumstances of an accident or crime.