Repair of drains

In the process of performing work aimed at sealing joints subjected to leakage, it will be necessary to use the tool of this kind: a metal brush, a screwdriver or drill, silicone patch, mastic, eliminating cracks, as well as a brush and clamps.

The work itself begins by the fact that a whole place should be delimited with the damaged. The separation of the connections involves the dismantling of self -tapping screws, and when rivets were used, they use the drill. In the confluence of two different areas, you will need to carefully smear with silicone mastic. Then, when they are united, resort to the help of clamps.

To prevent the beginning of corrosion, it will be necessary to apply the patch, as a result of which the crack is eliminated. It should be cut out of the material similar to the one from which the drain is produced. As a rule, this is galvanized steel. After that they move to treatment procedures, during which the gutters are cleaned, as well as the walls. For this, a metal brush is indispensable. At the end they pass by a chip water cloth. Now the processed place should be washed with water, and subsequently put with mastic. Ultimately, we must apply not a very thick layer.