Repair in the bath

Before starting repairs in the bath, you must decide whether it will be cosmetic or cardinal.

If you need to carry out cosmetic repairs, it will be enough to refresh the floor, walls and ceiling, but most often, when people begin to make repairs in the bathroom, it affects all its components: a bath, toilet, pipes and other elements, but it happens that it also happens that you will need an excavator and you will need to contact the company in which excavators in St. Petersburg and their rental are sold and the sale of excavators. And so, where should you start? Of course, with the choice of material. Ceramic tiles are ideal for facing walls and floor, it is waterproof and it is pleasant for the eye. The ceiling can be made anyone except the whitewashed and painted, because the whitewashing with time has the ability to purchase a gray tint and stuck out, and the paint will quickly depart due to high humidity. But most of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the most important element of the bathroom, namely the bath itself or the soul.

If you are not a fan of duty to lie in a bath, then a shower cabin is perfect for you. The washing process in it passes quickly enough, as well as the shower cabin to significantly save water. In addition, modern souls are equipped with many pleasant massagers who will make the process of washing more pleasant and useful. The cost of shower cabins is practically nothing different from the bath, so it is perfect for all shower lovers. As for the installation of a shower cabin, there is nothing complicated in this, it is installed as simply as a bath, except that the difficulty in its assembly may arise, but it should be said that this process is not particularly complicated even with a painstaking with which You can handle it yourself.