About wall insulation, and about partitions

Insulate the walls in apartments, it is especially important in those where both sides are facade. In this case, the outer wall is insulated, using such a heater as glass wool, or polystyrene foam. And then cover it with sheets that are made of drywall. The polystyrene foam itself is considered the most optimal insulation. This is because it has a very low thermal conductivity, so heat can be maintained in the room.

So that there is silence in the house and peace must be made soundproofing walls. In order for the walls to be soundproofing, combinations are used from different materials that should have different density. For example, a gypsum sheet, plus mineral wool.

When the walls with sound are made — and thermal insulation of the rooms, the rooms themselves decrease. Because the thickness of the walls will be larger. Partitions can be of different types. These are partitions from gypsum fiber and drywall, brick partitions and so on.

The former are considered very convenient and practical. From them you can make arches, columns, all sorts of crooked surfaces and much more. The installation itself is carried out quite quickly, especially the most important thing is that nothing needs to be plastered. The disadvantage is that it is impossible to fix heavy objects on such partitions.