Bathroom, toilet, drill tiles

It is not surprising that for many this task begins to cause an attack of anxiety. After all, the tile can give a crack. What needs to be done so that this does not happen?

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1) It is necessary to find and remember the place of future drilling. Then you need to attach the masking tape (a small piece) to this place and on it we already mark the drilling point.

2) the drill that will be drilled should be special. From a conventional drill, the tile will be easy to crumble

3) when using a shock drill, the function of the perforator must be disconnected!

4) with a light pressure, the drill is pressed into the tile, to form a bottom.

5) the drilling process should be careful, without haste. Avoiding drilling at high speeds – This can lead to damage to the drill tip. Contact the instructions. It is important that there is nothing extraneous in the hole.

The last step in such a delicate matter will be the filling of the formed hole with a silicone with an antifungal effect, which is specially designed for rooms with high humidity. In the end, just insert the dowel. That’s all, the work is ready!