Hello!! My name is Jeanine

I love to eat, travel, and eat some more! I am married to the man of my dreams and have a beautiful little girl whose smiles can brighten anyone’s day!

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Characteristics of houses from profiled timber

The building material is of the most important importance in the construction of wooden houses. Wood, since it is an absolutely natural material, has a number of qualities leading to its changes, which are associated with the processes of juice movements in the barrel. Accordingly, this fact imposes certain difficulties in carrying out construction work. In particular, the decoration process can only be proceeded after the full shrinkage is completed (about a year). Modern methods of processing successfully solve the problems associated with the use of wood. The profiled beam is practically not subjected to shrinkage. Its distinguishing feature is that he is not only given a certain profile, but also in a special drying that he is subjected to.

The moisture content of the profiled beam is about twenty percent. Also, during drying in the tree, special cuts are made that relieve internal stress. Therefore, the likelihood of cracking or deformation of the material is incredibly small. Together, these features minimize the shrinkage of the building. As for the features of drying, they are that as a result of it, the safety and strength of the material increases significantly. If cracks appear in wood, then they are incredibly small. All this leads to the fact that immediately after the construction, the cottage can be commissioned. Also, the most convenient temperature and humidity of the air is constantly maintained in houses from a profiled timber.