Choose lawn mowers

In the modern period, only units can decide to cut the overgrown grass on the site with a braid or sickle. For more than one year, instead of these tools, a trimmer has been used. The development of the construction of residential buildings of low -rise and cottage type led to the appearance of lawns, for the care of which lawmakers are used.

The difference between these tools is the type of landscape where they are used. With the help of lawnmands, they give a well -groomed look to flat surfaces that have been prepared. It moves on wheels, it is possible to adjust the height of the cut of grass. When working on the lawn, the grass has an even slice, so that the site looks solid and attractive.

To use this braid, you need a network source. Also manual, as well as an option when a gasoline engine is installed. When choosing a lawn mower, you should pay attention not only to the principle of operation, but also to the power of the device. This determines how speed it will perform the work. Electric braids that provide a network cord are more accessible, but are inferior in mobility. For a section of significant area, it is best to choose a gasoline lawn mower on which a four -stroke engine is installed.

If we consider additional elements that may be present in the lawn mower, then it is necessary to highlight the side executions. Thanks to them, the grass, which is on the sides of the mowing, goes under the knives. The design may also include a special container where the cut grass is folded. Most of the models are equipped with it. The container is removed. This may be needed if the lobby of the lawn is constantly carried out. In this case, small particles of cut grass will be an excellent fertilizer.

In construction, you need to take into account the materials, for example, the blackboard can be bought in the company «Alliance Les» in St. Petersburg, varies at the cost depending on the volume of procurement. Delivery is provided. You can submit an application online on the company’s website.