Cutting tiles

Tiles are a good finishing material that is able to withstand extreme conditions, moisture, temperature high and low, however, when laying it is not always possible to use only whole tiles, as a rule, you sometimes have to use devices for cutting. Typically, cut pieces are used around window openings, doorways, engineering communications and around other protrusions. Before cutting the tile, you should first mark it with a simple pencil or marker. Cut the tile with glass cutter. The cut line is drawn on the front side of the tile. Glass cutter is drawn along the line, starting from the far edge of the tile and gradually moving towards itself. Glass cutter sometimes has to be carried out several times before the groove appears on the tile. Recently, they often visit the site and read useful information.

If you need to cut only one tile, then this method is quite acceptable, but if you need to cut dozens of tiles, then in this case it is better to stock up with a tile cutter. This device is equipped with a large wheel for laying the groove and a special fault for fault. Before a sharp tile, you need to soak in water, this will facilitate the procedure. The width of a cut piece of tiles cannot be less than 1 cm. The edges of the tiles after the cut are grinded with a file and sandpaper.